Page 17 - Binder MO 256-012-Tahun ke-20 (English)-1
P. 17

October becomes a special                       t is not surprising that the population of vegans
                                                                                 continues to show an increase. Surveys conducted
                                  momentum for those who                      I over the past few years indicate that the number of
                                 adopt a vegetarian lifestyle.                people that do not consume meat is continually rising. The

                                   On October 1st, those who                  increasing number of people choosing such a lifestyle is
                                    have avoided all types of                 reflected in the significant growth of vegan food options
                                                                              available in supermarkets, restaurants, cafes, and online
                                 foods derived from animals                   stores. According to, statistical
                                       and all animal-derived                 data from 2023 shows there are around 88 million vegans
                                    products celebrate World                  worldwide.
                                                                                 However, it is not just the number of followers that
                                      Vegetarian Day (WVD).                   inspired the initiation of World Vegetarian Day; more
                                     WVD is held to promote                   importantly, it is about how vegans influence health.
                                 and raise awareness about                    World Vegetarian Day was first initiated in 1977 by the
                                   the benefits of vegetarian                 North American Vegetarian Society (NAVS), a nonprofit
                                                                              organization established in 1974 to promote vegetarianism
                                diets and healthy living. The                 and raise awareness about the benefits of vegetarian
                               vegetarian lifestyle also aims                 diets. In 1978, with the support of the International
                                   to provide understanding                   Vegetarian Union, it was agreed that October 1st would be
                                                                              established as the day to celebrate vegans. Additionally,
                                      in food choices, protect                NAVS designated the entire month of October as World
                                  the environment, enhance                    Vegetarian Awareness Month, during which various events
                                   health, and show concern                   and activities are held globally to encourage people to try
                                                                              vegetarian foods, learn about vegetarianism, and consider
                                       for other living beings.               adopting a vegetarian diet.

                                                                                 According to the Vegetarian Society, a vegetarian
                                                                              is someone who does not consume any type of meat,
                                                                              including chicken, seafood, beef, or other products
                                                                              produced from the slaughter of animals.
                                                                                 A vegetarian’s diet usually consists of a combination of
                                                                              various fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains. Dairy products,
                                                                              honey, and eggs are consumed depending on the type of
                                                                              vegetarianism a person follows. According to Healthline,
                                                                              several types of vegetarians currently exist:
                                                                               ◆ Lacto-ovo vegetarian: A vegetarian who avoids all types
                                                                                 of meat but consumes dairy products and eggs.
                                                                               ◆ Lacto vegetarian: A vegetarian who avoids meat and
                                                                                 eggs but consumes dairy products.
                                                                               ◆ Flexitarian/semi-vegetarian: An individual who still
                                                                                 consumes meat but only occasionally (once a week) or
                                                                                 avoids red meat but consumes white meat.
                                                                                 Based on this definition, there is a distinction between
                                                                              vegetarians and vegans. While both lifestyles involve
                                                                              enjoying life through food choices by avoiding all forms
                                                                              of animal-derived products, according to Healthline, a
                                                                              vegetarian does not eat any meat (like beef, poultry, or
                                                                              fish) but still consumes animal-derived products such as
                                                                              milk and eggs. In contrast, a vegan is a strict vegetarian
                                                                              who also avoids dairy, eggs, and other ingredients
                                                                              derived from animals. Vegans also have a different day of
                                                                              observance from vegetarians, which is November 1st each
                                                                              year, celebrated as World Vegan Day. The meaning of the
                                                                              celebration is similar, aimed at raising awareness about
                                                                              the benefits of switching to a plant-based diet.

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