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“Before rushing to see Prolonged coughing symptoms can symptoms because their ingredients are
a doctor, many people disturb sleep patterns, lead to fatigue, similar to prescription medicines, just
in lower doses. Generally, coughs are
and make it difficult to focus, potentially
try to treat their cough worsening the cough. Moreover, strong “self-limiting,” meaning they will resolve
themselves by taking coughing fits can cause chest muscle on their own, making OTC medications
Over-the-Counter (OTC) pain for some individuals. sufficient for early-stage treatment.
However, the availability of these
Before rushing to see a doctor, many
medications because they people attempt to self-medicate by medications without a prescription
are easily accessible and taking OTC cough medicines due to their often leads to a lack of understanding
simple to use.” convenience and availability. While this regarding the correct dosage. Like
approach can be reasonable, many are other medications, taking OTC cough
confused about choosing the right OTC medicines without following the
oughing is one of the most cough medicine due to the variety of recommended dosage and duration
common symptoms caused cough types and possible side effects. can lead to side effects such as nausea,
C by lung or other respiratory Dr. Patriotika Ismail, an internal vomiting, and changes in blood pressure.
organ disorders. It is widely known that medicine specialist at EMC Hospital Dr. Elizabeth Angelina, a medical
coughing can disrupt sleep, learning, Cikarang, advises that selecting OTC doctor at PT Bintang Toedjoe, explains
professional activities, and social cough medications should be done that OTC medications are more suitable
interactions. This condition makes carefully. It is recommended to first for acute, not chronic, coughs. “Pay
people seek quick and effective solutions try self-medication to relieve cough attention to the correct dosage when
to address it. symptoms. taking OTC cough medicines because
OTC medications, which are easy to “It is important to know the type of overconsumption not only wastes money
find and affordable, can be a good choice cough, whether it is dry or productive, but also negatively impacts health. As
for helping relieve coughs. However, and whether the cough occurs after self-medication, consumption should
among the many types of OTC cough exposure to an allergen or not. You also follow the recommended dosage by
medicines available, it is important to need to know how long you’ve been carefully reading the usage instructions,”
choose one that matches the symptoms coughing. If the medicine taken does not she said.
being experienced. match the symptoms, the cough will not For people who prioritize practicality,
be resolved. If the cough persists, don’t OTC cough medications in sachet
hesitate to consult with a doctor,” said packaging can be an excellent choice
Dr. Patriotika. because each sachet contains a
Different types of cough symptoms single dose, making it easy to carry
require different active ingredients in and consume anywhere without the
medications to address them effectively. risk of leaking bottles or the need for
To ensure accurate treatment, pay measuring spoons. Additionally, OTC
attention to the ingredient list on the cough medicines are available at nearby
medicine packaging and match it with pharmacies and stores, making them
the type of cough being experienced. easy to obtain.
For productive coughs, it is “As informed consumers, we must
recommended to take OTC medications be wise when selecting OTC cough
that contain expectorants like medicines available on the market,
guaifenesin, while for dry coughs, paying attention to the ingredients
antitussives like dextromethorphan are and packaging. You can consider OTC
advised. For non-productive coughs cough medicines in sachet packaging
caused by allergies, OTC medications that contain a complete formula, such
containing chlorpheniramine or as Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin,
antihistamines should be taken. and Chlorpheniramine Maleate 2 mg,
Although OTC medications are which effectively relieve coughs. It is
much more affordable than prescription also essential to always follow the
medications, they can serve as effective recommended dosage and usage
first aid in relieving common cough instructions,” concluded Dr. Angel. n
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