Page 27 - Binder MO 256-012-Tahun ke-20 (English)-1
P. 27


                                                THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA

                   TIP ON 2024 AS A CONCRETE STEP TO REALIZE

                                   INDONESIA DIGITAL VISION 2045

                        elkom University is proud to once                                   with industry requirements. Indonesia
                        again host the Telecom Infra                                        needs to nurture talents who possess
                  T Project (TIP) ON 2024. This event                                       agile digital leadership qualities and can
                  serves as a crucial platform for stakeholders                             adapt to the changing landscape.
                  in the telecommunications sector to unite                                    The TIP ON 2024  acts as a platform
                  and collaborate in driving technological                                  to introduce the latest innovations
                  innovation in Indonesia. Mr. Budi Arie                                    in telecommunications. Numerous
                  Setiadi, the Minister of Communication                                    technology companies and startups
                  and Informatics (Menkominfo), also                                        participated in the exhibition held
                  expressed his appreciation for this                                       throughout the event. Menkominfo  and
                  significant annual event.                                                 Informatics hopes that this collaboration
                     Menkominfo emphasized the                                              among stakeholders will continue to
                  importance of collaboration among the                                     flourish and yield innovative solutions
                  government, academics, industry, and                                      that improve the quality of life for the
                  all stakeholders to achieve common                                        Indonesian people.
                  goals in accelerating national digital                                       Menkominfo urges all parties to
                  transformation, in line with the                                          continue supporting initiatives aimed at
                  Indonesia Digital Vision 2045. The TIP                                    improving connectivity across Indonesia.
                  ON 2024 is a concrete step in realizing                                   Connectivity encompasses not only
                  the government's vision to enhance                                        the expansion of access but also the
                  national connectivity through equitable                                   quality of networks necessary to boost
                  internet access, especially in the 3T areas   contribute to advancing technology and   community productivity. He remains
                  (Frontier, Outer, and Disadvantaged).  the digital economy in Indonesia.  optimistic that advancements in the
                     Furthermore, Menkominfo expressed    The development of competent      digital sector will play a crucial role in
                  appreciation for Telkom University's   Human Resources (HR) in the digital   driving future economic growth.
                  efforts in organizing this event. Telkom   sector is a key priority for the Ministry of   The TIP ON 2024 at Telkom University
                  University has demonstrated a strong   Communication and Informatics. This   is expected to serve as a significant
                  commitment in supporting technology   focus is in line with the growing demand   milestone in solidifying the nation's
                  development in Indonesia through     for skilled digital talent to navigate the   digital transformation journey. With a
                  various innovative and empowering    rapid advancements in technology.    collective effort to accelerate national
                  educational initiatives. These initiatives   Consequently, Menkominfo urges   digital transformation, let us work
                  serve as a tangible example of how   students and academics to consistently   together to realize a sovereign, equitable,
                  educational institutions can actively   innovate and enhance their skills in line   and prosperous Indonesia. n

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