Page 30 - Binder MO 256-012-Tahun ke-20 (English)-1
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                                                        Dr. ISMAIL

                                                        DIRECTOR GENERAL OF RESOURCES
                                                        AND EQUIPMENT OF POST AND

                                                        INFORMATICS, MCI

                                                        INNOVATIVE COLLABORATION

                                                        FOR THE DEVELOPMENT

                                                        OF INDONESIA’S DIGITAL


                  n 2020, the Ministry of           This initiative aims to be utilize by   and mobile operators.”
                  Communication and Information     telecommunications operators, vendors,   The TIP Community Lab has
               I (MCI) received a collaboration offer   system integrators, academics, software   also become a vital testing ground
               from the Telecom Infra Project (TIP)   developers, and other stakeholders in   for domestic RAN development,
               to establish a TIP Community Lab in   advancing Open Network technology,   allowing both academics and
               Indonesia, marking the first of its kind in   including Open RAN in Indonesia.  telecommunications operators to
               Southeast Asia. The Directorate General   In line with this development, the   collaborate. It is hoped that academics
               of Resources and Equipment for Post   annual event Telecom Infra Project (TIP   from other universities can also leverage
               and Informatics (SDPPI) saw this as   ON) was launched as a platform for   this resource to further research in
               a strategic opportunity for fostering   technological innovation to advanced   telecommunications technology, with
               Indonesia’s digital ecosystem and    the Indonesian telecommunications    the goal of producing innovations that
               industry.                            industry. Organized by TIP CL Tel-U   can make a significant impact on the
                  “The Directorate General of SDPPI   (Telecom Infra Project Community Lab   global stage.
               believes that the TIP Community Lab   at Telkom University), the event connects   “We deeply appreciate the Telecom
               will thrive and gain broader acceptance   representatives from government, MNO   Infra Project for choosing Indonesia
               from all stakeholders if operated within   industry, vendor, academia, and various   to host the TIP Community Lab. We
               a university setting. Given that Telkom   associations.                   hope this collaboration will continue to
               University focuses on innovation and    Ismail highlighted, “Since the    expand alongside the growth of digital
               research in telecommunications       establishment of the TIP Community   technology. For the TIP Community
               technology, SDPPI proposed the       Lab at Telkom University, we have    Lab at Telkom University, we aspire
               university as the ideal location for the TIP   seen considerable advancements in   for it to become a driving force for
               Community Lab in Indonesia,” said Dr. Ir.   digital ecosystem research, especially   innovation and growth in the domestic
               Ismail MT, Director General of Resources   in the development of OpenRAN in   telecommunications technology
               and Equipment for Post and Informatics   Indonesia. The lab has also played a key   industry. By aligning academic research
               (SDPPI).                             role in formulating a roadmap for the   with industrial application, we aim
                  As a result of the collaboration   development of OpenRAN, including a   to transform research outputs into
               between Telkom University’s Strategic   feasibility study on the implementation   real world products that can enhance
               Partnership and International Office   of Open RAN for rural areas, conducted   Indonesia’s telecommunications
               and TIP, the TIP Community Lab was   in collaboration with researchers from   infrastructure and compete on the
               established at Telkom University.    TIP Community Lab Telkom University   international stage,” Ismail added. (Elly)

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