Page 82 - Binder MO 256-012-Tahun ke-20 (English)-1
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                  IONATION 2024 presented

                              workout classes       IONATION 2024
                 participated by more than
                9,500 participants across 16        SUCCESSFULLY ATTENDED
                cities throughout Indonesia.        BY THOUSANDS OF PARTICIPANTS
               A total of 78 workout classes
                     were available, ranging
                 from Yoga, Pound, Zumba,           classes participated by more than 9,500   offer more diverse exercise options for all

                  Pilates, to new classes like      participants across 16 cities throughout   family members, enabling them to lead a
                                                    Indonesia. A total of 78 workout classes
                                                                                         healthy lifestyle together.
                        Meditation and Ride.        were available, ranging from Yoga,      ION WATER Brand Ambassador,
                                                    Pound, Zumba, Pilates, to new classes   Andrea Dian, said, “Aging gracefully is
                                                    like Meditation and Ride.            a result of continuously investing in a
                      ntering its fifth year, IONATION   Jennifer Bachdim shared her     healthy lifestyle. Therefore, it is important
                      2024, the largest workout and   experience participating in this year’s   to make exercise a habit and consume
               E music festival in Indonesia,       IONATION. As a mother with a busy    low-calorie drinks. For me, who often
               was recently held at the Beach City   schedule, maintaining the health of her   works out, I need ION Water because it
               International Stadium, Ancol, Jakarta.  body, mind, and soul has become a top   helps with body recovery,” she concluded.
                  Marketing Director of PT Amerta   priority for Jennifer and her family.   IONATION 2024 by ION WATER also
               Indah Otsuka, Puspita Winawati,         “This year, I brought my entire family   introduced a group fitness competition
               revealed that IONATION 2024 by ION   to the IONATION 2024 Workout and     for the first time, bringing together gym
               WATER has evolved with a new concept,   Music Festival by ION WATER, where   communities from across Indonesia. This
               being a unique combination of a sports   even my youngest child participated in a   competition is expected to become a
               workout festival and wellness expo.  special kids’ workout class,” explained the   new attraction for participants who want
                  “The campaign ‘Find Your Balance in   wife of Irfan Bachdim.           to challenge themselves and showcase
               Aging Gracefully’ serves as the backdrop   IONATION 2024 Workout and Music   their best fitness abilities.
               to educate the importance of finding   Festival by ION WATER also featured 17   “In line with Otsuka’s company vision
               balance between mind, body, and soul.   talk shows with various inspirational topics,   to contribute to better public health,
               As we age, we want to stay active and   showcasing well-known speakers such   IONATION 2024 by ION WATER is held
               healthy. That’s why this event not only   as Jennifer Bachdim, Andrea Dian, and   in an effort to encourage Indonesians to
               offers workouts but also includes talk   experts in the health and fitness fields.  start exercising with more varied options,
               show sessions and an expo introducing   Interestingly, IONATION 2024 also   allowing them to choose the workout
               various health equipment through     presented pop-up studios in collaboration   that suits them. We hope that more
               the wellness expo,” added the woman,   with boutique gym partners, as well   people will be motivated to continue
               commonly known as Wina.              as special kids’ workout classes led by   exercising and adopt a low-calorie
                  IONATION 2024 presented workout   certified instructors. All of this was done to   lifestyle,” concluded Wina. n

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