Page 78 - Binder MO 256-012-Tahun ke-20 (English)-1
P. 78


               IB SANTOSO SE, M.Par, M.M, CHA




                Author: Arfiah Ramadhanti Photo: Fikar Azmy

                             With decades of               graduate with a Master’s      travelers repeatedly choose Lorin as their
                                                           degree in Tourism from the
                 experience in the property         A isakti Institute of Tourism        preferred destination. One of Lorin’s key
                                                                                         initiatives has been to integrate local
                  and hospitality industries,       and a Master’s degree in Management   culture into the hotel experience.
                    IB Santoso understands          from the Islamic University, IB Santoso   “We currently manage three
                  that as the world evolves,        notes that hotels, as an essential part of   properties in Solo: Syariah Hotel Solo,
                       so do the challenges.        tourism, have seen significant growth,   Dwangsa Hotel Solo, and Lorin Solo.
                                                                                         In Sentul, we have Syariah Sentul and
                                                    particularly in the post-Covid-19 era.
                      In the midst of intense       Indonesia, he says, is now one of the   Lorin Sentul. We’re also in Bali with
                          competition within        most promising tourist destinations.  New Kuta Hotel by Lorin, and the new
                                                       “The hotel industry has been
                       the hospitality sector,      growing, and local operators are starting   Mangkuluhur Residence by Lorin. The
                                                                                         concept we offer is to blend the hotel
                      he firmly believes that       to emerge. We are part of that as well—  experience with the local culture—like
                   providing top-tier service       Lorin Hotels. The demand for hotels   in Sentul, which is in West Java, we
                  in all aspects is the key to      in Indonesia is high, and if managed   incorporate West Javanese cultural
                                                    properly, it can lead to great business
                                                                                         elements. In Solo, we emphasize the rich
                 overcoming obstacles and           opportunities. It’s all about how well the   Solo heritage,” he explained.
                               staying ahead.       management or operators understand      Beyond conceptual innovation,
                                                    the market they are targeting,” said the   Santoso highlights the importance of
                                                    avid motorbike enthusiast.           delivering outstanding service as the
                                                       With the expansion of the hospitality   foundation for overcoming hospitality
                                                    industry, competition has intensified,   challenges. One of the principles he
                                                    often leading to price wars among hotels.   emphasizes across all Lorin Hotel staff is
                                                    To navigate these challenges, Santoso   the mindset of “Thinking like the guest,
                                                    must continuously innovate and craft   not just like the worker.”
                                                    strategic solutions to stay competitive,   “If you think of yourself as a guest, you
                                                    without resorting to drastic price cuts   wouldn’t want your room to be dirty. You
                                                    that could disrupt market dynamics.  wouldn’t want the Wi-Fi to malfunction.
                                                       Santoso, a fan of Harley Davidson,   So, when you think like a guest, you avoid
                                                    further elaborated on the strategy his   these issues, and complaints become
                                                    hotels employ to ensure customers and   rare,” Santoso explained.

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