Page 77 - Binder MO 256-012-Tahun ke-20 (English)-1
P. 77

Nuryadinata from Grand Aston Puncak
                  Hotel & Resort; Faiz Firmansyah Ma’ruf
                  from Aston Cilegon Boutique Hotel;
                  and Ujang Rahmat from favehotel
                  Hypersquare, Febrian Sjarif from Aston
                  Pasteur, Moh Nurus from Favehotel
                  Karawang, Sigit Hendrawan from Harper
                  Cikarang, Ari Gusti from Favehotel Gatot
                  Subroto, Riyan Syaban Pamungkas from
                  Aston Pasteur Bandung, Husni Thamrin
                  from Aston Imperial Bekasi Hotel &
                  Conference Center, and Bayu Sidiq
                  Tresna from Grand Aston Puncak Hotel
                  & Resort.
                     The wide range of dishes included
                  traditional and international cuisine,
                  focusing mainly on seafood such as
                  Japanese Octopus Salad, Sashimi
                  Tenggiri, Pan Seared Swordfish, Prawn   also demonstrates that local ingredients   local catches into extraordinary dishes,”
                  Scampi with Butter Chives Sauce, Pan   can be prepared with international flair,”   said Winston Hanes, Vice President of
                  Seared Lobster, and many more. Several   said Chef Windoe, the Executive Chef of   Operations at Archipelago International.
                  offerings featured ingredients sourced   Archipelago International.          During the event, guests were
                  from local farms, including fresh oysters   The Archipelago Food Festival is   treated to a lively atmosphere filled with
                  and shrimp.                          expected to draw interest from the   entertainment, including a captivating
                     Furthermore, to cater to the diverse   community, especially those in Subang,   magic show by Rudy Sulap and a
                  preferences of all guests, the chefs   Indramayu, and Pamanukan. This event   vibrant modern dance performance
                  prepared a variety of dishes featuring   highlights that Favehotel Pamanukan is   by UBC Dance Cirebon. The festivities
                  chicken, beef, and lamb. For dessert,   committed not only to ensuring guest   culminated in a breathtaking fireworks
                  guests could indulge in an assortment of   satisfaction through excellent service but   display that mesmerized attendee,
                  exquisite pastries, including Watermelon   also to providing memorable experiences   offering a unique and gratifying culinary
                  Granita, Fave Sunset, and Lemongrass   and engaging moments through a     experience.
                  Tart.                                culinary festival that is accessible to   “We are incredibly proud to once
                     “Archipelago International is     everyone.                            again be entrusted with hosting the
                  committed to consistently delivering    “We invite our guests to embark   Archipelago Food Festival this year. This
                  high-quality events that promote     on a culinary journey, where seafood   is part of our commitment to all the loyal
                  culinary richness, especially the flavors   is the star attraction. This food festival   patrons of Favehotel Pamanukan, as we
                  of the archipelago. The Archipelago   celebrates the authentic flavors of the   strive to provide unforgettable culinary
                  Food Festival serves as a platform   coastal region, particularly those found in   experiences, including organizing
                  for culinary enthusiasts. This time,   Pamanukan. We encourage attendees to   culinary festivals at least twice a year,”
                  we are highlighting seafood dishes,   experience the dedication and creativity   remarked Bintang Adhipradipta, General
                  showcasing a vast variety of options. It   of our chefs as they transform fresh   Manager of Favehotel Pamanukan. n

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