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oivo served as Executive Director Unit for major customers. He was then develop commercial products and
of Telecom Infra Project (TIP), a appointed as Chief Executive Officer of services. Kristian emphasized that
T global community of companies Zenterio, which was acquired by Oregan neutral host technology can have a huge
and organizations that committed to Networks in 2019. Telkom University impact on the telecommunications sector
driving infrastructure solutions solutions (Tel-U) together with TIP signed a in Southeast Asia.
to advance global connectivity. Founded Memorandum of Understanding “This collaboration is a transformative
in 2016, TIP has grown into a community (MoU) with EDOTCO, held at the step for the telecommunications
that includes hundreds of members, Malaysia Pavilion at the Mobile World landscape in Southeast Asia. The
ranging from service providers and Congress 2024 in Barcelona (27/2/2024). commitment between EDOTCO, TIP,
technology partners to system integrators The collaboration focuses on creating and Tel-U has the vision to open up
and other connectivity stakeholders. a neutral host ecosystem, enabling new possibilities that go beyond the
Kristian, who joined TIP in June 2022, seamless connectivity across multiple boundaries of conventional connectivity,
brings over 30 years of experience in networks. to position Southeast Asia at the
the Information and Communications The collaboration will utilize open and forefront of the global digital revolution,”
Technology (ICT) industry. With a primary separated network technology standards he said.
focus on the telecommunications to enhance the digital experience for He hopes that this collaboration will
industry, he has developed solutions businesses and consumers. EDOTCO’s be the starting point of a transformation
that target emerging markets, leading experience in providing end-to-end partnership with the aim of driving
research and development, product solutions and TIP’s collaborative innovation, connectivity, and inclusivity
marketing, and solution implementation community approach can accelerate across the region. Thus in the future,
for media, IT, and telecommunications. innovation in telecommunications there will be a telecommunications
As is known, Kristian started his infrastructure. ecosystem that utilizes open and
career at Ericsson, served in various roles, The TIP Community Lab at Tel-U separate network technology standards,
including Managing Director, Head of will serve as a platform to test and which can drive innovation in both
Development Unit Core Networks, Head validate innovations, bringing together technology and business. (Arh)
of R&D in Finland, and Head of Customer researchers, industry and startups to
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