Page 34 - Binder MO 256-012-Tahun ke-20 (English)-1
P. 34


                                                         MOHAMMED ALI BERAWI

                                                         DEPUTY OF GREEN AND DIGITAL

                                                         TRANSFORMATION of IKN AUTHORITY (OIKN)

                                                         DIGITAL INNOVATION

                                                         ARCHITECT FOR FUTURE CITIES

                  bu Kota Nusantara (IKN) is        the USA.                             carbon technology utilization and
                  envisioned as a future global city that   According to Mohammed Ali Berawi,   adhere to spatial planning guidelines.
               I must prioritize digital innovation to   a smart city is one that enhances   By leveraging its potential as a carbon
               connect the government, corporations,   the quality of life for its residents by   sink, committing to 100% renewable
               investors, entrepreneurs, and society   optimally utilizing technology to improve   energy, and implementing smart
               within a healthy ecosystem, symbolizing   management efficiency, foster an   city technologies to monitor carbon
               Indonesia’s transformation. Prof. Ir.   innovation ecosystem, and facilitate the   emissions, IKN aims to achieve the status
               Mohammed Ali Berawi, M.Eng.Sc.,      mastery and development of the latest   of a Net Carbon City by 2045 or sooner.
               Ph.D., the Deputy for Green and Digital   technologies.                      IKN is envisioned as a pivotal force
               Transformation at the IKN Authority,    This concept is integrated from the   in driving Indonesia’s future economy
               plays a pivotal role in driving this   planning phase. A smart city provides   and is expected to rank among the top
               initiative. IKN is not merely a monument   effective government services that are   10 cities in the Global Liveability Index by
               to success; it stands as a testament   easily accessible to the community   2045, supported by robust data reflecting
               to Indonesia’s capability to develop a   while improving public service delivery.   its foundational development principles.
               smart, green city supported by modern   Additionally, a smart city incorporates   Achieving this vision requires
               technology.                          integrated data processing and robust   innovative acceleration. Innovation goes
                  The commitment of the IKN         digital security measures.           beyond mere systems; it must flourish
               Authority in establishing a digital-    TIP ON 2024, hosted by Telkom     within an ecosystem that necessitates
               based smart city is reflected in its   University, serves as a platform to   infrastructure as a prerequisite for
               extensive collaborations with both   introduce future-oriented smart city   connecting people, technology, and
               international and national stakeholders,   concepts. IKN, in the Penajam Paser   the economy within a new cultural
               including global technology and      Utara regency of East Kalimantan, is   framework. The development of the
               prestigious educational institutions.   being transformed into an autonomous   Nusantara Knowledge and Technology
               Mohammed Ali Berawi has been         region. Covering an area of 252,600   Hub is expected to serve as a
               instrumental in facilitating partnerships,   hectares, IKN plans to allocate 75%   collaborative center among government,
               including signing memorandums of     of its land as green space, with only   educational institutions, and the
               understanding with technology centers,   25% designated for development.   technology industry, catalyzing the
               including centers in several cities across   This development will prioritize low-  innovation ecosystem in IKN. (Erwin)

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