Page 36 - Binder MO 256-012-Tahun ke-20 (English)-1
P. 36


               Pillar 1:                            Pillar 4:
               Build Awareness                      Talent Development and
               Our primary objective is to raise    Capacity Building
               awareness of open and disaggregated   We actively engage in digital talent
               network architecture, addressing     development programs alongside
               diverse connectivity concerns among   KOMINFO Digital Talent Scholarship
               stakeholders from academia, government,   (DTS), having trained over 400
               and industry. We regularly organize TIP   individuals in Open RAN technologies.
               ON Events to showcase innovative open   Our commitment to capacity building
               network solutions, creating opportunities   extends to hosting workshops for
               for collaboration in their development   professionals and students, providing
               and implementation. Additionally, our   vital resources and opportunities for
               participation in international events such   research and thesis preparation, thereby
               as FYUZ Madrid and the Mobile World   fostering a skilled workforce that can
               Congress (MWC) Barcelona since 2022 has   contribute to the telecommunications
               helped amplify our message and engage   sector.
               a broader audience.
                                                    Pillar 5:
               Pillar 2:                            Local Manufacturing
               Testing and Validation               Initiatives

               We collaborate with operators to showcase   Our commitment to local industry    LIA YULDINAWATI Ph.D
               the functionality and compatibility of   is evident in our contributions to   Director of Strategic Partnership &
               open networks. Our engagement with   developing a roadmap and white paper   International Office Telkom University
               the Ministry of Communication and    aimed at enhancing local components
               Information Technology (KOMINFO)     within the RAN industry. We have
               aims to enhance the lab’s infrastructure   successfully facilitated the creation of
               and resource expertise, positioning it   high-value local content products, such
               as a national testbed for open network   as Open Wi-Fi access points, which
               technology, collaborating to meet world-  further strengthens our goal of fostering
               class testing lab.                   a sustainable telecommunications
               Pillar 3:                               These achievements are made
               Trial & Deployment                   possible by the invaluable dedication,
               Our engagement in field trials enables   innovation, and shared purpose of
               us to directly support partners in   our partners, including government
               addressing connectivity challenges. We   agencies, industries, academia, vendors,
               explore collaborative efforts, such as RAN   and media, who have significantly
               sharing, to promote digital inclusion and   contributed to the programs and
               investment efficiency. Under the grant   activities.
               from the U.S. Trade and Development     We would like to extend our gratitude
               Agency (USTDA), we conduct           to our partners who have actively
               comprehensive feasibility studies that   participated since the establishment of
               assess the technical, business model,   TIP Community Lab until now. Let’s build
               and regulatory aspects of Open RAN   on previous achievements to reach even
               deployment, particularly for rural villages.   greater heights for a better life, bridging
               Moreover, we have successfully initiated   gaps, and enhancing community
               trials of 5G Standalone Open RAN and   welfare.
               Open Wi-Fi in the new capital city,
               Nusantara, in collaboration with various   Thank you for being an integral part
               stakeholders, including KOMINFO and   of our journey. We look forward to seeing
               Mobile Network Operators.            this collaboration thrive.

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