Page 39 - Binder MO 256-012-Tahun ke-20 (English)-1
P. 39




                        elkomsel is the leading           Telkomsel’s contributions include
                        digital telecommunications     collaborative trials with Open RAN
                  T service provider in the region,    technology involving Telkom University,
                  empowering the Indonesian people     through technology assessments,
                  to make today better and tomorrow    laboratory testing, live trials, and
                  brighter by delivering innovative and   solution demonstrations. Recently,
                  superior connectivity, services, and   Telkomsel participated in the Nusantara
                  solutions for everyone, every household,   Technology Showcase in partnership
                  and every business to achieve more.  with NTT Docomo during the celebration
                     In line with Indonesia’s digitalization   of Indonesia’s Independence Day.
                  spirit, Telkomsel plays a role as the   This initiative highlights Telkomsel’s
                  largest convergence service provider,   commitment to advancing open
                  consistently expanding its 4G network   network technology. Looking ahead,
                  coverage, developing 5G technology,   we believe that the development of a
                  and implementing the latest fixed    sustainable ecosystem can be achieved
                  broadband technologies to enhance    through deeper collaboration with
                  customer experience quality.         industry stakeholders, such as vendors,
                     Additionally, Telkomsel is also   universities, fellow operators, and
                  developing digital services that     technology innovators, to bring flexible
                                                                                                      RONALD LIMOA
                  encompass Digital Lifestyle, Digital   and cost-effective solutions to market.   VP Technology Strategy & Consumer
                  Advertising, Digital Enterprise Solutions,   By working together, we can accelerate   Product Innovation
                  and the Internet of Things. Over its 29   the adoption of innovative solutions
                  years of operation, Telkomsel has grown   that address the unique needs of the
                  by operating more than 265,900 base   Indonesian market while ensuring    to seize all opportunities to create a
                  transceiver stations (BTS), serving over   the sustainability and growth of our   better present and a bright future. By
                  159.9 million mobile customers and   telecommunications infrastructure.   leveraging innovative technology and
                  more than 9.1 million fixed broadband   Through collaboration with        enhancing network efficiency, we aim to
                  customers (IndiHome-B2C) nationwide.   TIP, Telkomsel strives to realize our   deliver exceptional connectivity, services,
                  In its commitment to sustainable     vision of becoming the best digital   and solutions for everyone, every
                  operations, Telkomsel adheres to ESG   telecommunications service provider   household, and every business, helping
                  principles to create a positive impact on   in the region. We hope this partnership   them achieve more in Indonesia’s ever
                  its ecosystem.                       will empower the Indonesian people   evolving digital ecosystem. (Indah)

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