Page 40 - Binder MO 256-012-Tahun ke-20 (English)-1
P. 40





                  ndosat Ooredoo Hutchison             Telkom University spearheaded
                  (Indosat) has a vision to become   a collaborative initiative on the
               I the most sought-after digital      Metaverse, sponsored by KOMINFO. In
               telecommunications company in        this case, Telkom University acted as
               Indonesia. Together with its subsidiaries   both coordinator and host, with the
               and affiliates, Indosat provides mobile   responsibility to carry out collaborative
               services across Indonesia, ICT solutions,   Metaverse Research and Experiences.
               data centers, Fiber to the Home (FTTH),   In 2023, Indosat participated in
               electronic payment services, and other   and supported the same event
               digital services.                    (Telecommunications Consortium,
                  Indosat believes that digital     organized by Telkom University).
               technology is key to a better future. With   Indosat’s presence at the TIP ON
               a commitment to utilize advanced digital   2024 event reflects its commitment to
               technology, Indosat is ready to become   the development of technology and
               an AI-based telecommunications       innovation held in Indonesia. In line         DESMOND CHEUNG
               company, and AI driven nation-builder.   with the spirit of collaboration, Indosat   Chief Technology Officer
               Driven by the spirit of collaboration,   is pleased to offer its full support for the
               Indosat remains dedicated to connecting   collaboration between Telkom University   The trial showed that OpenRAN
               and empowering every Indonesian.     and KOMINFO.                         provides reliable internet performance,
                  Indosat won two awards at the        In 2021, Indosat became the first   achieving download speeds of up to
               telecommunications industry event, the   mobile operator in Indonesia to conduct   22 Mbps, comparable to conventional
               World Communication Awards 2023, on   field trials of OpenRAN, with testing   RAN. The success of this trial marks
               November 22nd, 2023, at the Maritime   carried out in several locations in Maluku   an important milestone in advancing
               Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands.    from March to April. Supported by the   telecommunications infrastructure in
               Indosat won in two categories: Best   Telecom Infra Project (TIP) and Parallel   Indonesia.
               Network Transformation Initiative and   Wireless, this trial was part of Indosat’s   With the spirit of collaboration
               Total Experience. This achievement is   initiative to enhance its 4G network and   to empower Indonesia, collaborative
               proof of Indosat’s innovative network   expand internet services, especially to   initiatives among all industry players
               transformation to deliver the best   remote areas.                        hold the key to unlocking unlimited
               customer experience and mark            OpenRAN technology enables        potential, accelerating Indonesia’s digital
               accomplishments on a global scale.   interoperability between hardware and   transformation, and empowering every
                  As is known, the collaboration    software from different vendors, which   corner of the nation with unprecedented
               between Indosat and Telkom University   has the potential to reduce network   opportunities for growth and innovation
               began in 2021.                       costs and accelerate the expansion of 4G.  (ARS)

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