Page 75 - Binder MO 256-012-Tahun ke-20 (English)-1
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Borealis are in countries within the Arctic
Circle, such as Iceland, Norway, Sweden,
Finland, Canada, and Alaska (USA).
But why does the aurora occur at the
poles? The aurora happens at the poles
because Earth’s magnetic field behaves
like a bar magnet with north and south
poles. Charged particles from the sun are
drawn toward Earth’s magnetic poles, so
the interaction between these particles
and the atmosphere occurs most
frequently near the poles.
To this day, the identity of the first
person to discover the Aurora Borealis
remains unknown. Humans have
been observing this phenomenon for
Earth’s magnetic field acts as a and the altitude at which this interaction thousands of years. Records of auroras
shield, protecting the planet from these occurs. Green is the most common color are found in various ancient cultures,
electrically charged particles. However, of the aurora, produced by oxygen at such as the Norse, Inuit, and Native
some particles manage to penetrate altitudes of around 100-300 km above American tribes. They had myths
and get trapped along Earth’s magnetic Earth’s surface. Red is also produced by and legends associated with these
field lines, particularly near the poles. oxygen but at higher altitudes, around mysterious lights in the night sky.
These trapped particles then interact 200-400 km. Meanwhile, blue and purple Human understanding of auroras has
with atoms and molecules in Earth’s hues are caused by nitrogen. evolved alongside advances in science.
atmosphere, primarily oxygen and It’s well known that the best time to So, who deserves to be called the
nitrogen. This interaction releases energy see the aurora is during winter, when the contriver of the aurora? The answer
in the form of light, known as the aurora. nights are longer, and the skies are darker. is: everyone who has observed,
The color of the aurora is determined Additionally, solar activity affects the documented, and tried to understand
by the type of atom or molecule intensity and frequency of aurora displays. the mysterious light in the night sky
interacting with the charged particles The best places to witness the Aurora since ancient times. n
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