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                                    COLLABORATING IN TIP ON 2024

                          bsession Media Group (OMG),   Obsession and Women’s Obsession
                          established in 1995, is a    magazines, available both digitally
                  O prominent player in Publishing,    and in print. These publications
                  Communication, Media, and Academy.   focus on lifestyle, success stories, and
                  The group began with the launch      achievements, with a special emphasis
                  of Tabloid DEMOKRASI, initiated by   on high-profile figures from various
                  Usamah Hisyam and a group of young,   sectors, including government, business,
                  idealistic journalists. The company’s   academia, and the judiciary. Their online
                  mission is clear: to educate, entertain,   presence extends through websites
                  and inspire, all while upholding     like, www.
                  journalistic ethics to promote responsible, and news
                  journalism and strengthen the press as a   platforms and
                  key pillar of democracy.    In addition,
                     OMG Publishing has produced       OMG TV (News & Entertainment) is
                  numerous biographies and partnered   accessible via YouTube.
                  with various government agencies,       OMG Academy contributes to
                  private institutions, and individuals to   societal education by channelling a
                  publish notable works, including the   portion of the company’s profits into
                                                                                                     NURBAITI HISYAM
                  biographies of Surya Paloh, General   Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)   CEO of Obsession Media Group
                  Feisal Tanjung, General Susilo Bambang   initiatives. Established in 2004, Men’s
                  Yudhoyono, Admiral Widodo A.S.,      Obsession magazine is a verified
                  Lieutenant General Andi M. Ghalib,   lifestyle publication by the Press Council,   in TIP ON 2024, an event organized
                  General Suroyo Bimantoro, Lieutenant   showcasing profiles of Indonesia’s most   by Telecom Infra Project (TIP) Telkom
                  General AM Putranto, and One Night in   inspiring figures. Each issue highlights   University, aims to play a key role in
                  Baitullah with Joko Widodo.          the achievements of notable individuals   disseminating information on the
                     OMG Communication specializes in   from diverse backgrounds, aiming to   event’s objectives, activities, and the
                  strategic communication consultancy,   inspire readers with stories of success.  latest strategies in digital technology
                  offering customized solutions to meet   For TIP ON 2024, OMG has published   innovation. With coverage of influential
                  the needs of its business partners. Its   a special 256th edition of Men’s   figures and key insights from both
                  services include Digital Marketing,   Obsession magazine, themed “Shaping   national and global companies, OMG
                  Creative Design & Multimedia,        a Collaborative Innovation Ecosystem.”   seeks to further the development
                  Media Relations & Placement, Media   This edition underscores the importance   of Indonesia’s telecommunications
                  Monitoring, and Event Organization.   of Pentahelix Collaboration (Academia,   industry, contributing to the vision of
                  OMG has successfully executed national   Business, Community, Government, and   Indonesia Emas 2045.
                  events such as Indonesian CEO Talk,   Media) to foster greater cooperation   Congratulations on the successful
                  Obsession Talk, UMKM Summit, and     across the Asia-Pacific region, especially   execution of TIP ON 2024, and we
                  Obsession Awards, among many others.  in technology and network development.  wish continued success in advancing
                     OMG Media publishes Men’s            The presence of Men’s Obsession   Indonesia’s digital transformation! n

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