Page 44 - Binder MO 256-012-Tahun ke-20 (English)-1
P. 44


                                 PT. ALITA PRAYA MITRA

                                        LEADING AND PROMINENT

                     ince its establishment in 1995,   trial in Indonesia with global partners,
                     PT. Alita Praya Mitra has evolved   demonstrating the potential for
               S into a leading system integrator   cost savings and network flexibility,
               providing advanced ICT solutions and   particularly in areas that require rapid
               services. Today, Alita has transformed   and economical network expansion.
               into a technology company specializing   Another important milestone is
               in information and communication     Alita’s strategic collaboration with TIP
               technology, offering network and IT   in 2023. The two organizations are
               solutions for various institutions. Among   working together to develop private
               its products and services, Alita develops   5G networks for the industrial sector,
               intelligent systems, smart transportation   including manufacturing and energy.
               systems, and builds broadcasting     The implementation of secure private
               transmitters for nearly all TV stations in   networks integrated with IoT devices
               Indonesia, as well as IT systems, security   by Alita helps industries enhance
               systems, microwave transmission, and   operational efficiency and strengthen
               the Internet of Things (IoT).        data security. This deployment of
                  Alita’s optical fiber services provide   private networks, resulting from the   TEGUH PRASETYA
               a comprehensive solution that includes,   Alita-TIP collaboration, also aligns      President Director
               but is not limited to the provision of fiber   with TIP’s initiative to provide network
               access network (FTTx) services, managed   infrastructure tailored to business needs.  technologies and innovations, Alita plays
               services, active networks, smart pole, and   In 2024, Alita initiated a TIP-led   a crucial role in strengthening the TIP
               site access termination.             project to expand public Wi-Fi access in   ecosystem in Indonesia and accelerating
                  In 2021, Alita collaborated with   urban and rural areas. Alita is partnering   digital transformation across sectors.
               local telecommunications operators to   with local governments to provide    In 2023, Alita received recognition as
               expand internet access to remote areas   affordable and reliable Wi-Fi connectivity   a Partner on Building Awareness from
               in Indonesia, particularly in the eastern   in public facilities such as stations,   the Telecom Infra Project for actively
               regions. This initiative aligns with one of   terminals, and community centers. By   serving as an Open RAN (Radio Access
               TIP’s main pillars to reduce the digital   leveraging TIP’s open-source solutions,   Network) system integrator for two
               divide by providing affordable network   Alita is reducing deployment costs and   years, providing education and raising
               infrastructure to underserved areas.  expanding internet access to a broader   awareness about this technology.
                  Alita supports the development    population.                             Alita hopes that TIP will enhance
               and implementation of OpenRAN           From 2020 to 2024, Alita          collaboration and further develop
               (Open Radio Access Network). This TIP   contributed to talent development   the Indonesian Digital Infrastructure
               initiative enables telecommunications   in the telecommunications sector by   Industry ecosystem, as well as promote
               operators to reduce their reliance on   organizing training programs and   research and development of new
               a single vendor and allows for greater   certifications based on TIP technology.   technologies to support Indonesia’s
               flexibility in network management. In   By fostering the development of a   digital transformation toward the vision
               2022, Alita participated in an OpenRAN   skilled workforce proficient in the latest   of a Golden Indonesia by 2045. (Rud)

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