Page 43 - Binder MO 256-012-Tahun ke-20 (English)-1
P. 43


                                              SUPPORTS TIP ON 2024

                        or over a decade, Mitratel has    This collaboration is a serious effort by
                        been committed to continuously   Mitratel to develop telecommunications
                  F delivering the best for the nation.   infrastructure digitalization and support
                  As a national-scale telecommunications   education systems, as well as research
                  infrastructure company, Mitratel     and technology development. As the
                  collaborates with many leading       largest tower provider in Southeast Asia,
                  companies to build and provide the   Mitratel is committed to contributing
                  best services to its customers. These   to the acceleration of Indonesia’s
                  partnerships are regularly evaluated to   digitalization. The company owns more
                  maintain Mitratel’s service quality, which   than 35,000 telecommunications towers
                  has adhered to ISO 9001 standards since   spread across Indonesia, which have
                  2013.                                been utilized by all telecommunications
                     As the largest telecommunications   operators.
                  infrastructure company in Indonesia,    TIP ON organized by Telkom
                  Mitratel collaborates with partners to   University brings together
                  play a significant role in being at the   representatives from the government,   THEODORUS ARDI HARTOKO
                  forefront of accelerating the equitable   industry, academics, and associations,   Chief Executive Officer
                  distribution of telecommunications   with the goal of fostering knowledge
                  network access throughout the country.   exchange for telecommunications   to accelerate the development of the
                  This includes supporting research and   technology innovation Mitratel fully   telecommunications industry towards
                  technological development to increase   supports the event, we hope this   the vision of Indonesia 2045. With a
                  telecommunications infrastructure    collaboration will be able to produce   spirit of synergy, Mitratel is confident
                  digitalization in Indonesia.         global technological breakthroughs that   and committed to supporting the
                     Mitratel always supports the      can benefit the economic sector as well   advancement of Indonesia’s education
                  annual TIP ON event, organized by    as the scientific sector.            sector through research and technology
                  the Telecom Infra Project Community     In support of the connectivity    development.
                  Lab at Telkom University (TIP CL Tel-U).   acceleration program, Telkom University   Mitratel’s collaboration with
                  As the first TIP lab in Southeast Asia   and TIP collaborated with Mitratel   Telkom University is a significant step
                  since 2020, TIP CL Tel-U focuses on   as a provider of telecommunication   towards advancing digitalization in the
                  presenting innovations that involve   transmitter towers in running a research   telecommunications infrastructure
                  many industries and technology experts   and trial program for RAN Sharing. This   and supporting the development of
                  at the local and global levels to provide   program is an effort by Telkom University   education, research, and technology. As
                  telecommunications solutions. TIP ON   to help improve the welfare of society   evidence of this commitment, Mitratel
                  Event not only served as a platform for   by accelerating equitable connectivity   established an innovation laboratory at
                  collaboration to generate technological   throughout Indonesia, with the mission   Telkom University in 2024. This initiative
                  innovations, but also featured exhibitions   of positioning Indonesia as a global   aims to foster innovation within the
                  of cutting-edge technologies developed   leader in technology and innovation.  tower company and telecommunications
                  to support the telecommunications       Mitratel is collaborating with    sectors, driving growth and
                  industry.                            Telkom University, which is believed   development. (Elly)

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