Page 45 - Binder MO 256-012-Tahun ke-20 (English)-1
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                                                 INDUSTRY DYNAMICS

                         T Industri Telekomunikasi     exhibition, PT INTI has the opportunity
                         Indonesia (PT INTI) (Persero)   to introduce its business in the
                  P is increasingly strengthening      manufacturing, digital, and system
                  its position in the manufacturing    integration sectors, which are currently
                  industry by focusing on the production   the main focus for maintaining
                  and conversion of raw materials and   performance amid the challenges of a
                  semi finished goods. This state-owned   slowing economy. With an unwavering
                  company produces a variety of flagship   spirit of innovation and optimism, PT INTI
                  products, including Fiber Optic Cables,   continues to strive to solidify its position
                  Smart Energy devices, and Composite   as a key player in the national digital
                  Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinders. In   transformation landscape.
                  addition to manufacturing these items,   It is no wonder that PT INTI will draw
                  PT INTI also assembles smart devices   attention at TIP ON 2024, a prestigious
                  for Broadband products, Smart Energy,   forum organized by Telkom University,
                  smart cards, and original products.  where leading companies in the
                     Furthermore, PT INTI focuses on   technology and telecommunications               EDI WITJARA
                  providing hardware and software      sectors compete in innovation. This           President Director
                  solutions for consumer companies. The   event serves as a meeting platform for
                  company is engaged in the provision of   government, industry, academia, and
                  Fiber Optic Deployment services, such   associations to collaborate, exchange   OpenWifi technology into INTI access
                  as Outside Plant or Fiber to the Home,   business ideas, promote tools, and   points will add value to these original
                  public lighting development, solar power   share knowledge with technology and   INTI products. Additionally, for TIP, this
                  generation, and Automatic Dependent   telecommunications experts. Through   enhances the success story of OpenWifi
                  Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B).      this event, PT INTI aims to prove itself as   technology implementation.
                     PT INTI also focuses on providing   a strong player continuously generating   The company also recognizes
                  innovative digital service products   new breakthroughs.                  the importance of synergy among
                  and solutions to meet your needs. The   Moreover, PT INTI contributes to the   various sectors, including government,
                  company operates in various business   TIP Community Lab at Telkom University   academia, and industry, to achieve
                  lines, offering SIPLah Business to   by integrating OpenWifi technology   sustainable development goals,
                  Business Commerce, Smart Hospital    into INTI access points, including the   especially in the Asia Pacific region.
                  Management Systems, Big Data         installation and monitoring of access   With the TIP ON 2024 event, PT INTI
                  Analytics, Internet of Things, and Cyber   points in the new capital city (IKN). This   remains optimistic about the coming
                  Defense.                             initiative supports internet connectivity   years, maintaining a focus on innovation
                     As a participant in the Telecom   around the Nusantara Capital.        to sustain positive growth trends.
                  Infra Project (TIP) ON 2024 technology   It is hoped that the integration of   (Purnomo)

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