Page 47 - Binder MO 256-012-Tahun ke-20 (English)-1
P. 47


                              CIENA INNOVATES TO BUILD THE BEST

                                         NETWORK FOR THE FUTURE

                  A                                    Siber dan Sandi Industri).
                         leading American
                                                          CIENA’s unwavering commitment
                         telecommunications technology
                         company, Ciena continues
                                                       1,600 customers worldwide, solidifying
                  to established itself as a key player   to reliability has earned the trust of over
                  in the telecommunication industry,   its position in the competitive landscape
                  providing a wide range of services,   of technology and telecommunications.
                  not only a software solutions but    The company’s ongoing innovation
                  also telecommunications network      is essential for maintaining customer
                  equipment. With nearly three decades   satisfaction and ensuring that
                  of experience, CIENA has earned its   networks remain adaptable to future
                  reputation as one of the “Largest Optical   advancements.
                  Connectivity Players in the World.”     As a testament to its commitment
                     In the era of rapid technological   to the development of the Indonesian
                  advancement, CIENA recognizes the    telecommunications industry, CIENA
                  necessity for networks especially in   participated in TIP ON 2024, a prestigious
                  telecommunications to evolve and     event organized by TIP Community
                  become smarter, faster, and higher   Lab Telkom University. This event
                  quality systems. As a global leader in   serves as a vital platform and attended    JUDI HARTONO
                  optical systems, routing, and automation   by various key stakeholders in the       Country Director
                  software, CIENA has developed the    technology industry to explore the latest
                  most adaptive network, designed to   advancements. TIP ON EVENT offered
                  meet the growing digital demands for   CIENA the opportunity to showcase its
                  an immersive and more interconnected   cutting-edge innovations and solutions
                  user experience.                     to meet the evolving needs of the
                     In addition, Beyond excelling in   industry.
                  network services, CIENA is also renowned   Under the theme “Shaping a
                  for its robust security systems, which play   Collaborative Innovation Ecosystem,” TIP
                  a crucial role in effectively preventing   ON 2024 aims to foster new partnerships
                  data breaches from unauthorized      in the Asia Pacific region, particularly in
                  access. This commitment to security was   Indonesia. CIENA views this gathering
                  recognized in 2023 when the National   as an opportunity to showcase its
                  Cyber and Crypto Agency (Badan Siber   innovative products while contributing
                  dan Sandi Negara) awarded CIENA for its   to the ongoing digital transformation
                  role in the Directorate of KSSI (Keamanan   across the region. (Arfi)

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