Page 48 - Binder MO 256-012-Tahun ke-20 (English)-1
P. 48
elkom University, a frontrunner as Valor. This lab offers fully automated,
in ICT based education, research open, and independent testing services
T and innovation, is set to host TIP for Open RAN technology, providing
ON 2024, a notable event that highlights pathways to certification and ensuring
its collaboration with Viavi Solutions, a interoperability and security for new
leading provider in network testing and entrants, startups, and academic
assurance. institutions.
Viavi Solutions, which actively The strategic collaboration
participates in the Telecom Infra between Viavi and TIP is expected to
Project (TIP) through the OpenRAN stimulate innovation and align industry
Project Group and Test and Validation standards, paving the way for global
Committee, brings extensive expertise adoption of Open RAN technology.
in data management and infrastructure It also signals a joint commitment to
solutions. digital transformation in Indonesia,
Formerly known as JDSU, Viavi with Viavi Solutions contributing to
Solutions serves a diverse clientele, the development of smarter and more
including communication service reliable networks.
providers, corporations, government Meanwhile, Telkom University will act SAMEH YAMANY
agencies, and equipment manufacturers. as a catalyst for innovation, engaging Chief Technology Officer
Its involvement in TIP ON 2024 reinforces academics, students, and industry
its commitment to enhancing Open RAN professionals to create solutions that
technology, focusing on interoperability, meet market needs. By integrating
performance, and security. cloud-based testing capabilities from
TIP is a global consortium that aims VALOR into TIP’s certification program,
to advance collective contributions this partnership aims to ensure
from its member organizations. This that Open RAN systems meet high
collaboration plays a vital role in driving performance standards and tackle real
innovation within the industry and world network challenges.
fostering a collaborative environment for This strategic collaboration is poised
developing, testing, and certifying new to accelerate the global adoption
technologies. of Open RAN technology, fostering
At the heart of this partnership is innovation and creating more efficient,
the establishment of the Automated standardized testing and certification
Lab-as a-Service for Open RAN, known processes. (Erwin)
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