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eragon Networks is set to make empower mobile operators and service
a significant impact at TIP ON providers to deliver reliable 2G, 3G, 4G/ LTE,
C 2024, an annual event hosted by and 5G broadband services. With a strong
Telkom University, where it will showcase global footprint, Ceragon serves a variety
its cutting-edge wireless connectivity of sectors including telecommunications,
solutions. Known for delivering high- public utilities, safety services, and the oil
capacity wireless networks, Ceragon’s and gas industry.
participation is expected to provide a A standout innovation from Ceragon
deep dive into how its technology can is its millimeter wave (mmWave)
drive digital transformation and enhance technology, which leverages a 4000
connectivity across various industries. MHz channel bandwidth and 16K QAM
At TIP ON 2024, Ceragon aims to modulation. Paired with XPIC and
spotlight its innovative solutions that MIMO, this system is capable of reaching
address the ever-evolving challenges speeds of up to 100 Gbps. The company’s DORON ARAZI
of the 5G era. By leveraging their latest recent acquisition of Siklu has further Chief Executive Officer
technologies, Ceragon will demonstrate expanded its mmWave solution portfolio,
how mobile operators and service enabling a broader range of applications,
providers can build high-performance from Multi-Gbps mesh networks for
broadband infrastructure in both urban Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) to high-
and remote areas. This opportunity performance backhaul.
will allow the company to showcase its Ceragon introduced the IP-50CX
expertise and reaffirm its position as a microwave radio and the IP-50EX
leader in the wireless connectivity sector. millimeter wave radio, both engineered
The company’s participation is also to deliver top-tier performance in
seen as a key moment for Ceragon to compact designs. These solutions not
bolster its market presence, helping the only optimize total cost of ownership
company break into Tier-1 markets with (TCO) but also align with the growing
its versatile product portfolio. demand for environmentally sustainable
Founded in 1996, Ceragon Networks technologies. Additionally, their Digital
has established itself as a major player in Twin platform enhances network
the industry, offering advanced, flexible, optimization, reduces costs, and
and cost-effective wireless backhaul improves user experience across various
and fronthaul solutions. These systems applications and use cases. (Riyan)
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