Page 51 - Binder MO 256-012-Tahun ke-20 (English)-1
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s a company in the Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu,
telecommunications sector, Fuzhou, Shenzhen, Dalian, Xi’an, and
A PT GCI Indonesia, a subsidiary other potential locations. Actively
of CETC Potevio Science & Technology expanding its international market,
CO., LTD, is committed to consistently overseas branches in countries such as
providing the best and most Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Indonesia
professional services related to wireless play a significant role, particularly in the
networks, transmission networks, data Southeast Asian market.
communications, and other services The company’s business scope
in the electronic information and includes many areas, such as radio
communication field. This includes solar network consulting, radio network
panel solutions, 5GNR devices, batteries, planning and design, radio network
F5G, antennas, and Very Small Aperture optimization, managed network services,
Terminal (VSAT) services. microwave planning & design, site
Specifically in Indonesia, PT GCI survey & design, telecommunications
Indonesia has been established as a joint implementation and commissioning YANG LIANG
stock company since 2000, restructured (BTS/MW/BSC/fixed network), CME, FO Vice General Manager
and founded under the supervision of (OSP/FTTH) projects, and also human
the Civil Products Department No. 7 resource outsourcing.
Research Institute, China Electronics PT GCI Indonesia believes that TIP
Technology Group Corporation (CETC). ON 2024 is a strategic forum for meeting
This year marks the 4th time PT many stakeholders, from government
GCI Indonesia has established a good and academia to other players in the
partnership with TIP. To support the telecommunications industry. TIP ON
implementation of Open RAN devices 2024 is expected to create opportunities
and the Open RAN trial, PT GCI Indonesia for collaboration to accelerate
has donated hardware and expertise to technological advancements.
the TIP laboratory, which can be utilized PT GCI Indonesia hopes that TIP ON
by partners to support the progress of will continue to take place and that TIP
the telecommunications industry. will continue to grow rapidly in line with
The parent company of PT GCI is the digital transformation around the
known to have many branches and world. “Hopefully, TIP will continue to
subsidiaries spread worldwide, with a develop rapidly in Indonesia,” expressed
total of 19 branch companies located in PT GCI Indonesia. (Arfi)
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