Page 56 - Binder MO 256-012-Tahun ke-20 (English)-1
P. 56


                                              PLN ICON PLUS

                            EMPOWERING IBU KOTA NUSANTARA

                      LN Icon Plus, a strategic     sub holding has redefined PLN Icon
                      subsidiary of PT PLN (Persero),   Plus’s business strategy, shifting from
               P commenced its commercial           a primary focus on connectivity to
               operations by providing Network      consolidating all initiatives under the
               Operation Center services located    Beyond kWh umbrella within the PLN
               in Gandul, Cinere, in 2000. The main   Group. The company is now tasked
               objective of PLN Icon Plus has been   with overseeing three distinct business
               to address the telecommunications    clusters: electricity, connectivity services,
               network demands of PLN.              and IT solutions.
                  Recognizing the industry’s growing   In 2023, PLN Icon Plus achieved a
               need for reliable and consistently   significant milestone with its internet
               available telecommunication networks,   service ICONNET, surpassing 1 million
               PLN Icon Plus has strategically expanded   customers. This accomplishment
               its operations. The company now      highlights the company’s reputation as
               channels the surplus capacity of PLN’s   a trusted provider of digital solutions
               optical fiber telecommunications     in Indonesia. Darmawan Prasodjo,
               network in Java and Bali to address   the President Director of PLN,
               public demands.                      emphasized that PLN is evolving into a
                  Since 2008, PLN Icon Plus has been   comprehensive service provider, beyond
               on a consistent trajectory of growth,   just energy.
               extending its telecommunication         “PLN Icon Plus exemplifies the
               network connectivity into various remote   business transformation undertaken by   ARI RAHMAT INDRA CAHYADI
               areas across Indonesia. This has been   PLN over the past three and a half years.   Chief Executive Officer
               achieved by maximizing the utilization of   Our dedicated efforts have successfully
               PLN’s electricity network rights, known   delivered integrated digital services for
               as the “Right of Ways” (RoW), which   both PLN and our commercial clientele,”   increase compared to the previous year,”
               covers areas across Indonesia.       Darmawan stated in a PLN press release   said Ari.
                  The recent establishment of the   on July 30, 2024.                       Moreover, PLN Icon Plus collaborates
               PLN holding sub-holding by Minister     Meanwhile, Ari Rahmat Indra       with TIP Telkom University, enhancing
               of State-Owned Enterprises Erick     Cahyadi, President Director of PLN Icon   internet connectivity through Open Wifi
               Thohir on September 21, 2022, signals   Plus, highlighted that PLN Icon Plus   technology in the Nusantara Capital City.
               a transformative era for ICON+ as PLN   demonstrated strong performance      The company also plays a pivotal role
               Icon Plus. As a sub-holding entity, PLN   throughout 2023 with various program   in advancing the development of 5G
               Icon Plus has transcended its role as an   accelerations.                 telecommunication networks as part of
               IT enabler for PLN, emerging as a key   “We have earned the trust of over   the digital infrastructure in IKN. PLN Icon
               player in establishing business ventures   1 million customers. This achievement   Plus and Telkomsel jointly hold transit
               beyond traditional electricity services,   has supported the financial growth of   rights and service permits in this region,
               referred to as “Beyond kWh.          PLN Icon Plus, which recorded revenues   reinforcing their strategic importance.
                  This transition to the Beyond kWh   of IDR 5.3 trillion, representing a 33%   (ARH)

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