Page 54 - Binder MO 256-012-Tahun ke-20 (English)-1
P. 54


                                              IBM INDONESIA


                                              ECONOMIC GROWTH

                  n Indonesia, IBM is committed to   how the adoption of generative
                  fostering corporate responsibility   AI will impact their workforce and
               I in Indonesia by building and       organizational culture.
               promoting an ecosystem that supports    In response, IBM has invested in long
               digital transformation in the country.   term digital talent development through
               The company offers innovative and    comprehensive training programs like
               comprehensive information technology   SkillsBuild. These initiatives aim to equip
               solutions across various sectors,    the workforce of the future with the skills
               including government, banking, and   necessary to effectively leverage AI.
               private enterprises.                    IBM is also collaborating with Telkom
                  As a subsidiary of the multinational   University to enhance expertise in AI
               technology corporation International   and telecommunications. Additionally,
               Business Machines (IBM), headquartered   to address more immediate needs,
               in the United States, IBM Indonesia   establishing AI Centers of Excellence
               provides a range of technological    (CoE) has been identified as an effective
               solutions, such as Cloud Computing,   solution. These centers can provide
               Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Analytics,   guidance from subject matter experts,
               Cybersecurity, and Consulting services.  internal IT teams, and technology
                  IBM Indonesia has made significant   specialists from AI solution providers.
               contributions to the growth of the      Roy emphasized IBM Indonesia’s
               digital economy in Indonesia. These   commitment to consistently building
               contributions include assisting the   and promoting an ecosystem that
               government and companies in          supports digital transformation. A
               their digital transformation efforts,   tangible example of this commitment is       ROY KOSASIH
               developing digital talent through various   the introduction of Watsonx in Indonesia,   President Director
               training programs, supporting local   which aims to enhance infrastructure
               startups through business incubators   and platform systems to ensure the
               and acceleration programs, and       availability of trustworthy, scalable,   from business leaders, Indonesia is
               strengthening the technology ecosystem   open, and explainable AI models before   poised to reach new heights in digital
               in Indonesia.                        implementation.                      transformation.
                  Roy Kosasih, President Director of   Roy acknowledged that the process    “With the right strategies and
               IBM Indonesia, shared insights from   of adopting AI in Indonesia is not without   supporting systems in place, AI can play
               a recent survey indicating that 54% of   challenges. However, its vast potential   a crucial role in achieving ambitious
               CEOs in Indonesia believe their teams   makes it an initiative worth pursuing.   goals related to Indonesia’s digital
               possess the capabilities to integrate   With government support for ethical   transformation and economic growth by
               generative AI. However, few understand   AI guidelines and increasing interest   2045,” Roy concluded. (Gia)

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