Page 55 - Binder MO 256-012-Tahun ke-20 (English)-1
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                               SUPPORTING TELECOMMUNICATIONS

                                    INFRASTRUCTURE IN INDONESIA

                     FA is a specialist company in fiber   infrastructure. By combining the
                     optic infrastructure and Open Access   strengths of various stakeholders and
                  I networks, playing a crucial role in the   leveraging advanced technologies,
                  development of telecommunications    OIKN is committed to creating modern,
                  infrastructure in the Nusantara Capital   efficient, and sustainable infrastructure.
                  City (IKN). As a neutral fiber optic operator,   A representative from OIKN stated,
                  IFA provides Open Access solutions that   “Collaboration with various parties,
                  enable infrastructure sharing for fixed   including the private sector and
                  broadband networks in Nusantara.     academia, is crucial for the success of
                     This collaboration aims to accelerate   the IKN project. The Nusantara Authority
                  the development of digital infrastructure   has become a strong supporter of
                  and create a dynamic innovation      new technological and infrastructure
                  ecosystem. Recognizing the importance   innovations as a catalyst for cross industry
                  of reliable telecommunications       collaboration. With strong synergy, we
                  infrastructure for the future of Indonesia,   can accelerate the development of digital   MIKAEL SANDBERG
                  especially in the Nusantara Capital   infrastructure and create a dynamic              Chairman
                  City (Ibu Kota Nusantara), IFA has   innovation ecosystem.”
                  established strategic partnerships with   One of the private companies       The International Fiber Alliance
                  various leading telecommunications   participating in the technological   (IFA) also plays a crucial role in the
                  companies and the Authority of       innovation collaboration in IKN is IFA.   telecommunications ecosystem as
                  Nusantara Capital City (Otorita Ibu   Additionally, IFA is introducing world   a neutral host for fiber optic service
                  Kota Nusantara). This initiative aims to   leading open access solutions to Indonesia.   providers. With its technology, IFA is
                  support the development of advanced   IFA aims to assist the government and   capable of integrating multiple network
                  and sustainable telecommunications   operators in Indonesia in implementing   service platforms into a single platform,
                  infrastructure in the Nusantara, .As   the world’s leading open access solutions   enabling providers to efficiently offer
                  part of this initiative, OIKN launched an   and operational partnerships.  innovative service solutions that monitor
                  Open Network Technology showcase        “We are committed not only to     many platforms for their customers.
                  in IKN, which will serve as an innovative   advancing the Nusantara smart city   As is known, IFA is one of the
                  platform for demonstrating open      initiative but also to strengthening our   participants in the TIP ON 2024 event
                  network technology and industry      collaboration with partners. Together, we   organized by Telkom University. TIP ON
                  collaboration.                       are building a robust digital ecosystem   2024 is a technology and innovation
                     OIKN emphasizes the importance    that is future-ready, fostering sustainable   event held in Indonesia, serving as an
                  of a collaborative spirit and        growth and innovation for Indonesia,”   important platform for IFA to showcase
                  technological innovation as key pillars   said Mikael Sandberg, Chair of the   its latest advancements and innovations.
                  in the development of Nusantara’s    International Fiber Alliance.        (Agnes)

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