Page 69 - Binder MO 256-012-Tahun ke-20 (English)-1
P. 69


                                    AND SERVICE (COE AIIS)

                                   A CATALYST FOR ICT INNOVATION

                         enter of Excellence Advanced   of public infrastructure, and Consumer
                         ICT Infrastructure and Service   Technology by developing a smart home
                  C (AIIS) has emerged as a leading    device named Hestia.
                  force in driving innovation in the field   AIIS’s research encompasses a broad
                  of Information and Communication     spectrum of ICT-related fields, including
                  Technology (ICT) in Indonesia. ICT is   ICT infrastructure, ICT services, and
                  an important part, as a supporter of   security and privacy. Recognizing the
                  organizations to increase productivity,   importance of global collaboration, AIIS
                  efficiency, while paying attention to   seeks to partner with Telecom Infra
                  system security aspects. Through its   Project (TIP) on research, projects, and
                  focused research and development     international ICT conferences.
                  efforts, AIIS has created numerous      AIIS remains committed to
                  innovative solutions that address    developing innovative technologies that
                  pressing challenges and contribute to   are sustainable, inclusive, and ethical.
                  the country’s progress.              By fostering collaboration, conducting
                     AIIS has made significant         research, and developing cutting-edge    Prof. MAMAN ABDURRAHMAN
                  contributions in various areas, including   solutions, AIIS aims to continue shaping   Head of CoE AIIS Telkom University
                  Education by developing SPY project to   Indonesia’s digital landscape.
                  revolutionized online exam supervision   AIIS’s collaboration with TIP aligns
                  and ensuring exam integrity, Agriculture   with its commitment to driving
                  by utilizing IoT and GIS-based soil   economic growth and technological
                  fertility mapping project to enhanced   advancement in Indonesia. Through joint
                  agricultural productivity, Infrastructure   research, development, and knowledge
                  by developing Bridge Structural Health   sharing, AIIS and TIP can make
                  Monitoring Systems (SHMS) project to   significant contributions to the global
                  improved the safety and maintenance   ICT ecosystem. n

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