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he Center of Excellence Smart City facilitate the implementation of smart
(CoE Smart City) is a pioneering city services and usecases, such as IoT
T research center dedicated to applications, high-performance data
creating smarter and more sustainable processing, and real-time analysis.
cities in Indonesia. Through a multi- Furthermore, the collaboration will
faceted approach encompassing support the development of sensors for
research, collaboration, and public environmental, transportation, security,
education, CoE Smart City is driving health, and environmental management.
innovation in various domains, including These sensors will provide valuable data
smart governance, economy, people, for optimizing urban operations and
environment, mobility, and living. improving quality of life. By analyzing
CoE Smart City boasts a team of over large data sets and utilizing artificial
40 experts from diverse fields, supported intelligence, these solutions can enhance
by state-of-the-art facilities such as efficiency, security, customer service, and
computer labs and living labs. The infrastructure maintenance prediction.
center’s research has yielded significant In addition, CoE Smart City could
results, including an integrated regional have joint research initiatives on training GUNTUR PRABAWA KUSUMA, Ph.D.
data management platform, a literacy programs, and startup incubators. These Head of COE Smart City
improvement service platform, a waste initiatives will contribute to building Telkom University
management system, a public service capacity, fostering innovation, and
SPBE architecture, and a human creating a vibrant ecosystem for smart
resource development roadmap for city development in Indonesia.
smart cities. We are confident that CoE TIP will
By leveraging their respective remain a leading research center at
strengths, CoE Smart City and TIP the national, regional, and global levels.
can create significant synergies in the The innovative solutions developed by
development of smart city infrastructure. CoE TIP will undoubtedly contribute
Through joint efforts, these centers to addressing the pressing challenges
can employ 5G technology networks to facing our world today. n
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