Page 68 - Binder MO 256-012-Tahun ke-20 (English)-1
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elkom University Metaverse center actively engages with industry
Research & Experience Center partners, government agencies, and
T (MREC) stands as a beacon academic institutions to foster a vibrant
of innovation in Indonesia’s digital metaverse ecosystem in Indonesia. By
revolution. Dedicated to exploring the bringing together experts from diverse
vast potential of metaverse technology, fields, MREC is accelerating innovation
MREC pushes the boundaries of virtual and addressing the challenges and
and augmented reality, shaping the opportunities presented by this
future of human interaction with digital emerging technology.
environments. Looking ahead, MREC aims to
MREC’s research encompasses a continue expanding its research and
wide range of disciplines, including development activities, focusing on
virtual and augmented reality, human- building the necessary infrastructure to IRHAM MULKAN
computer interaction, immersive support VR, AR, and immersive training Head of CoE MREC Telkom University
training, and social and cultural studies. technologies, ensuring that metaverse
In collaboration with the Telecom technologies are accessible to a wide
Infra Project (TIP), MREC has made range of users, and promoting the
significant contributions to the field of development of a sustainable metaverse
metaverse research, such as developing ecosystem that benefits society as a
interactive Artificial Intelligent (AI) whole.
Virtual assistants which displayed on Through its groundbreaking research
Technology House in Ibu Kota Nusantara and collaborative initiatives, MREC is
and creating immersive virtual playing a pivotal role in shaping the
tours using TIP’s deployed network future of Indonesia’s digital landscape.
infrastructure. Additionally, MREC has By fostering innovation and driving
actively participated in TIP’s agenda adoption of metaverse technologies,
at the Mobile World Congress for two MREC is helping to create a more
consecutive years. connected, immersive, and inclusive
MREC’s commitment to collaboration digital world for all. n
extends beyond its work with TIP. The
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