Page 65 - Binder MO 256-012-Tahun ke-20 (English)-1
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stablished in 2013, Kacific innovation and excellence in technology
Broadband Satellite Group, (2023, 2024).
E commonly known as Kacific The Telecom Infra Project (TIP)
is a professional service company in aligns with Kacific’s mission to expand
the telecommunications field and a connectivity in rural areas. Tackling this
next generation satellite operator that challenge alone is indeed difficult, but by
provides affordable and reliable high forming a consortium, we can join others
speed broadband services across the who share the same vision, exchange
Asia-Pacific region. Leveraging advanced innovative ideas, and collaborate to
Ka-band technology, Kacific improves achieve common goals.
internet access for governments, The initial initiatives of TIP have
businesses and communities, driving played a crucial role in bringing together
economic growth and enhancing regulators, operators, and industry
disaster management. suppliers, fostering collaboration to drive
As the largest Ka-band satellite meaningful solutions. Their proactive
operator in the Asia-Pacific region, approach and collaborative framework
Kacific has successfully connected have laid the groundwork for substantial CHRISTIAN PATOURAUX
underserved areas across a total of 25 progress in network infrastructure Chief Executive Officer
countries, supported by a network of development.
trained distributors and installers, which In line with this year’s event theme:
also creates opportunities for local ‘Shaping a Collaborative Innovation
workers. Ecosystem, Kacific hopes that TIP ON
Furthermore, in 2019, Kacific 2024 will be a golden opportunity for
expanded into infrastructure-as-a-service strategic sectors in Indonesia, including
with K-Towers, a subsidiary that offers government, academia, industry,
telecommunications solutions such as and associations, to unite and foster
4G and fixed broadband. This innovative cross-sector collaboration as the key
model serves rural and remote areas that to accelerating technology adoption
lack traditional infrastructure. across the Asia-Pacific region. Kacific
Due to the hard work and believes that a proactive approach
commitment of the company, Kacific and collaborative framework are
has received numerous awards including fundamental to achieving substantial
the Universal Broadband Award (2023) progress in network infrastructure
and the Gold Stevie Awards for product development. (Arfi)
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