Page 66 - Binder MO 256-012-Tahun ke-20 (English)-1
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he University Center of Excellence Security for Investigating cutting-edge
for Advanced Intelligent technologies to ensure secure and reliable
T Communications (AICOMS) communications.
Telkom University is a leading research AICOMS actively engages in
center dedicated to pushing the collaborations with the Telecom
boundaries of telecommunications Infra Project Community Lab Telkom
technology. Under the leadership of University (TIP CL TELU). Moreover,
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. H. Khoirul Anwar, AICOMS and TIP CL TELU sometimes
AICOMS is dedicated to pushing are involved in the same project or
the boundaries of technological agenda such as participation in research
advancements and fostering and regulation study by the Ministry
collaboration with government, industry, of Communications and Informatics
academia, and community in terms on implementing RAN Merdeka.
advancing the telecommunication. Additionally, both institutions are actively
AICOMS has prioritized 5G-Advanced sharing knowledge and experiences
and 6G as key areas of research, reflecting through training programs, discussion Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. H. KHOIRUL ANWAR,
its commitment to staying at the forefront groups, and global initiatives with S.T., M.Eng.
of telecommunication advancements. international partners. Director of PUI-PT AICOMS
AICOMS research portfolio encompasses It is hoped that TIP CL TELU can serve Telkom University
a wide range of topics, including MCRBS as a national and international testing
& 5G-MERDEKA for Developing innovative center for AICOMS’s innovative products,
mobile communication systems, a partner in product development, a
High-speed train communications facilitator for national and international
(5G-FRMCS) for Enhancing connectivity projects, a co-organizer of joint
for high-speed rail networks, Over-The- activities, and a bridge for international
Horizon Communications for Expanding collaboration. With a closer collaboration,
communication range beyond traditional AICOMS and TIP CL TELU are expected
limits, Next-Generation IoT for Exploring to make significant contributions to the
the future of the Internet of Things, advancement of telecommunications
and AI, Quantum Coding, and Future technology in Indonesia and the world. n
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