Page 64 - Binder MO 256-012-Tahun ke-20 (English)-1
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nited States Agency for and enhance cyber security. To bridge
International Development the digital divide in the Philippines,
U (USAID) is one of the BEACON will assist the government’s
organizations that actively participates efforts in automation and digitization,
in the TIP ON Event. In the context of as well as support community networks
organizing TIP ON 2024, the presence of to expand low cost internet access for
USAID is highly significant. As an agency underserved communities.
focused on innovation and development, USAID BEACON and TIP are working
USAID’s vision aligns with the main together in accelerating Open RAN
goal of TIP ON, which is to promote the adoption in the Southeast Asia region.
growth of the startup ecosystem and On June 5, 2024, USAID announced
digital innovation. significant progress in the Open Radio
As is well known, USAID is a U.S. Access Network (Open RAN) initiative
government agency responsible in the Philippines. This initiative
for providing development and aims to strengthen the country’s JOHN GARRITY
humanitarian aid around the world. telecommunications infrastructure Chief of Party USAID BEACON
USAID has already partnered with several by establishing the first Open RAN
countries to promote economic growth, laboratory at the University of the
enhance political stability, and improve Philippines Diliman. modules and ecosystems there. Through
the quality of life for communities. This approach is expected to its participation in TIP ON 2024, USAID
One of USAID’s programs that is enhance security, drive innovation and Beacon demonstrates its commitment
running in collaboration with TIP CL competition, reduce costs, and facilitate to the development of the global digital
Telkom University is the USAID-BEACON the adoption of 5G technology. USAID’s economy, including the Asia-Pacific
(Better Access and Connectivity) Open RAN initiative in the Philippines region. By participating and facilitating
initiative, held in the Philippines and is a key step in the country’s digital collaboration within the innovation
led by John Garrity, in collaboration transformation. ecosystem, it supports innovative
with the Philippines government and Furthermore, in pursuit of these activities that have a positive impact on
TIP Members, including TIP CL Telkom goals, in 2022, USAID collaborated global digital development.
University. with TIP CL TELU to establish the Not only has TIP been extremely
The goal of USAID-BEACON is to Asia Open RAN Academy (AORA) and generous in sharing their time, expertise
improve the digital infrastructure in provide training on Open RAN to the and experiences with us, they continue
the Philippines, strengthen regulatory, government, industry, and universities to provide guidance as we work to
business, and innovation environments, in the Philippines, forming Open RAN achieve similar goals. (Riyan)
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