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echbros is a global multi- industry trends and developing solutions
industry firm specializing in for clients.
T technology consulting and Through the development of
organizational solutions that offers solutions supported by Artificial
comprehensive services, including Intelligence (AI), Techbros leads
technology and organizational the integration of AI in technology
consulting, as well as engineering development with intelligent
services to clients. The company operates automation, predictive analytics, and
in the technology sector, specifically in machine learning capabilities to enhance
telecommunications, metaverses, and operational efficiency and data-driven
artificial intelligence. Techbros’ expertise decision-making.
encompasses telecommunications, data Techbros has also successfully
science and analytics, AI, IoT, and talent integrated blockchain technology into its
development. solutions, ensuring data integrity, privacy,
Led by one of the nation’s finest, and trust in digital interactions. As it has YUDHI RAHADIAN
Yudhi Rahadian, the company grown, Techbros has expanded its reach Chief Executive Officer
has been awarded prestigious to Romania. The company, which has the
recognition in Germany and Indonesia tagline “Your Digital Innovation Expert,”
as the Most Innovative Digital offers a range of products including on Open RAN, particularly for small
Transformation Partners of 2023 by ElangAI, ZTP (Zero Touch Provisioning), businesses.
the EU Business Awards. This award and TechbrosFI. Techbros hopes that TIP can continue
further underscores Techbros’ role as As is well known, Techbros has to inspire and achieve greater goals
a catalyst for transformative change in been partnering with TIP since 2020, alongside all consortium members by
the digitalization sector through the with everything starting at the TIP enhancing engagement with regulators
utilization of cutting-edge technology Lab at Telkom University. During and collaborating more with MNOs
and visionary approaches. our collaboration with TIP, we have and government agencies, as they hold
Techbros was founded in 2017 and successfully met several new principals, the licenses and regulatory authority.
headquartered in Düsseldorf, Germany. partners, and new POC projects, along From a business perspective, Techbros
As of 2023, Techbros employs over 150 with other opportunities. wishes for TIP to conduct more lab trials
staff and has at least 75 client companies. Additionally, Techbros contributed to ensure the reliability of equipment,
The company frequently collaborates to the launch of the first TIP lab, strengthen commitments with partners,
with industry players and academic successfully executing several POCs and maintain a focus on securing
institutions. Techbros has a strategic related to Open RAN alongside other business opportunities beyond mere
vision focused on proactively anticipating members, and providing market insights marketing efforts. (Agnes)
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