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omba Telecom is a supplier of open telecommunications infrastructure
infrastructure enhancement solutions. Comba’s involvement in the
C and wireless solutions for mobile OpenRAN TIP project significantly
operators and enterprises. contributes to enhance commercial
At the TIP ON 2024 Event, Comba readiness of this technology.
Telecom will showcase their key role in The high-powered RRU meets
advancing Open RAN solutions through industry standards and offers high
collaboration with the Telecom Infra performance in various network
Project (TIP). Focusing on the adoption implementation scenarios, including
of Open RAN technology, Comba 5G networks. This solution provides
will present their latest innovations, operational flexibility for service providers
particularly their high-powered Remote to enhance network coverage and
Radio Unit (RRU), which has been capacity efficiently.
accredited by TIP. The Comba device has been TIP
Open RAN has become a hot topic certified. It is also listed in the TIP
in the telecommunications industry. Exchange. The Comba device is used
Radio Access Network (RAN) provides in the TIP Community Lab at Telkom
essential technology to connect users University to be utilized together by all
both mobile phones or enterprises, to TIP members and strategic partners of
cellular networks by radio waves. RAN Telkom University.
also acts as a bridge to access all major Comba offers a portfolio of high
applications on the website. power multi-band, multi-RAT (Radio
Meanwhile, the RRU products are Access Technology) RRU products MARIE MA
designed to enhance network efficiency that are O-RAN Alliance qualified and General Manager
through features such as energy savings TIP certified for all types deployment
and easier maintenance capabilities. This scenarios with the best-performing
enables telecommunications service radio products, cost-effective, highly
providers to reduce the Total Cost of reliable, and flexible. Comba focuses
Ownership (TCO) and accelerate the on developing telecommunications
procurement process for more flexible solutions that not only meet technical
and disaggregated telecommunications requirements but also regionally
technology. relevant, by promoting collaboration
Comba Telecom strengthens its between international vendors and local
position as leader in the development of manufacturers. (Erwin)
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