Page 58 - Binder MO 256-012-Tahun ke-20 (English)-1
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pirent Communications plc is a world, allowing them to enter markets
telecommunications company faster, control costs, ensure optimal user
S headquartered in The United experiences, and manage cybersecurity
Kingdom. Its business operates in risks.
the telecommunications industry, To date, Spirent has been trusted
specifically in diagnostic and analytical by the world’s leading technology
tools aimed at improving network organizations as a company capable
performance and security. of providing solutions to challenges
Highlighting the development of in the communications, government,
testing methodologies and solutions transportation, and automotive sectors.
across various networks, including Additionally, Spirent Communications
5G, LTE, and Ethernet, Key projects also meets the needs of IT teams for
focus on upgrading wireless and wired companies across various sectors,
infrastructure to address the growing including finance, industry, healthcare,
demand for robust high-speed internet and even large retail.
services. Thus, considering the company’s
Spirent’s efforts in simulating and focus, it aligns with the event held by
validating network capacity allow Telkom University, Telecom Infra Project Chief Executive Officer
telecommunications companies (TIP ON) 2024, designed as a platform
and equipment manufacturers to for technological innovation to advance
implement advanced technology more the telecommunications industry in presented with exhibitions of advanced
efficiently, with greater confidence in Indonesia. This event was initiated by technology developed to support the
its performance and security provisions. the Telecom Infra Project Community growth of the telecommunications
These initiatives underscore Spirent’s role Lab Telkom University (TIP CL Tel-U) industry. This event is an important
in driving global advances in network and serves as a forum for various milestone in showcasing the latest
and cybersecurity technology. stakeholders such as the government, technological developments and
Spirent offers customer-focused industry, academics, and associations solutions expected to strengthen the
services, providing solutions that span to share knowledge in promoting national telecommunications ecosystem.
the entire technology lifecycle, from the telecommunications technology Spirent has already collaborated
lab to real-world deployment. With the innovation. with TIP Telkom University by becoming
application of this technology, Spirent At TIP ON 2024, participants are not an expert in the implementation of
delivers solutions to help clients become only invited to collaborate in generating training related to the OPEN RAN testing
the most innovative companies in the technological innovations but also application. (Ita)
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