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aunched on October 28,2020, its programs in English, reporting on
SEA Today is an English language current events, live reports, talk shows,
L News Channel managed by MD and performances from Southeast Asia
Media (Metra Digital Media), PT Metra and around the world.
Digital Media, a member of Telkom SEA Today has been distributed
Group. internationally through partnerships
SEA Today (South East Asia Today) with several countries. The presence
aims to present Indonesia's perspective of SEA Today is expected to serve as a
to the world. It broadcasting news new medium to showcase Indonesia's
and information highlights the beauty positive image and raise awareness of
and richness of nature, culture, life, the nation's potential and achievements,
positive values, and achievements of the including its natural wealth, society,
Indonesian action. culture, and investment opportunities.
Indonesia is launched SEA Today This is anticipated to contribute to the
part of Indonesia's efforts to enhance growth of various industries in Indonesia
Indonesia's positive image in the and the national economy.
international arena by providing The Telecom Infra Project, Telecom
inventory. With the slogan "See Infra Project Community Lab at Telkom
Indonesia, See The World, SEA Today," University, and Telkom University
the channel aims to bring "good news aim to provide a platforms for various
from Indonesia & Southeast Asia" stakeholders, such as the government, PUJO PRAMONO
Chief Operation & Sales Officer MD Media,
In addition to the news channel, industry, academia, and associations, to Acting As Chief Executive Officer SEA Today
SEA Today is available on various share knowledge and promote innovation
digital platforms, such as Indihome TV, in telecomunications technology.
Maxstream App, Vision+ App, Vidio App, The presence of SEA Today at
SEA Today App, the SEA Today News the Telecom Infra Project ( TIP ) ON
Youtube Channel, and the Website www. 2024 event will certainly contribute to broadcasting the activities
SEA Today broadcasts 24 hours a internationally. Additionally, SEA Today,
day with special programs such as SEA as a news channel that also features
Morning Show, SEA Today Updates, digital TV programs, serves as an
3-HOUR NEWS SHOW . example of the development of digital
As is known, SEA Today presents technology in Indonesia. (Ita)
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