Page 60 - Binder MO 256-012-Tahun ke-20 (English)-1
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dgecore Networks Corporation, advancements in 5G networking, open
a wholly-owned subsidiary of networking solutions, edge computing,
E Accton Technology Corporation, and network security in response to
one of the world’s leading network increasing cyber threats.
ODMs, specializes in delivering With these recent advancements
innovative and flexible networking in information and communication
solutions. Through a wide network technology, Edgecore has contributed
of channel partners and system to TIP by providing Open WIFI-based
integrators, Edgecore Networks offers devices, switches, and routers at the
a diverse range of wired and wireless TIP Community Lab Telkom University
networking products and solutions, from (TIP CL TELU) for use by TIP members
high-capacity data center switches to and Telkom University’s strategic
advanced Wi-Fi access points, to meet partners. This collaboration aims to
the needs of various industries, including provide expertise in the utilization and
telecommunications, enterprise, and development of local Wi-Fi products,
cloud service providers. working alongside TIP CL, PT INTI, and
Partnering with TIP (Telecom Infra ICON PLUS PLN to facilitate internet
Project) is indeed a strategic move for services in IKN.
Edgecore to expand the reach of its open In addition, Edgecore successfully
networking solutions. This collaboration met the Domestic Component ANDY WU
not only enhances global exposure for Level (TKDN) requirements through Chairman & President
Edgecore’s products but also enables the collaboration with PT INTI to create
company to participate in an ecosystem the INTI-AP102AX Open WIFI Access
that fosters shared innovation. Point, which has a TKDN value of contract status for providers. This feature
In addition, Edgecore offers a range 44.37%. This product is available in the addition is based on the providers’ need
of products, including Ethernet switches e-catalog (Jakarta – The E-Catalog is an for the latest information regarding
for data centers from 1G to 800G, as online shopping application developed processing status in the pre-catalog
well as core-to-edge routers. These by the Government Goods/Services phase.
products are designed to deliver high Procurement Policy Agency (LKPP), Edgecore plays a crucial role in
performance, low latency, and end-to providing a variety of products from providing networking hardware in
end congestion control, which are crucial different commodities needed by the collaboration with TIP (Telecom Infra
for applications in artificial intelligence government). Project) and Telkom University for the
(AI), machine learning (ML), and high- As one of the applications that development of a demo center. This
performance computing (HPC). serves as a ‘bullet’ in the government facility serves as a stepping stone for
In the technology world, Edgecore procurement system, the e-catalog students who wish to gain deeper
continues to innovate in networking has innovated by adding a ‘Information knowledge of networking information
and data center solutions. Some of Service’ feature on the e-catalog page systems, particularly Edgecore’s Open
Edgecore’s latest developments include to facilitate checking schedules and Networking solutions. (Riyan)
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