Page 62 - Binder MO 256-012-Tahun ke-20 (English)-1
P. 62
he rapid development of digital Train4Best plays a key role by offering
technology requires training and training programs designed to enhance
T competency development as competencies in technology and other
the key to facing challenges and seizing related fields.
emerging opportunities. The digital era As an experienced professional
demands continuously evolving skills training provider, Train4Best has
for individuals and companies to remain supported the TIP Community Lab at
relevant and competitive. Professional Telkom University by offering multiple
training not only serves as an effort to training sessions, including Open RAN,
improve skills but also as a foundation for 5G, Fundamentals of AI and Machine
innovation and industry advancement. Learning. They have also contributed
Train4Best, a Jakarta-based to the development of training
training and competency development modules and teaching materials for
company, fully recognizes the crucial programs held by KOMINFO (Ministry
role of training in supporting digital of Communication and Information
transformation. Founded in 2017 in Technology), such as the Digital Talent
Indonesia, Train4Best specializes in Scholarship (DTS), attended by students
training, consulting, and standardized and professionals from the strategic
professional certification services. The partners of the TIP Community Lab at SINTA NOVANANA
company focuses on enhancing skills Telkom University. President Director
in IT, telecommunications, and other TIP has revitalized the
technical fields by providing both telecommunications industry through
theoretical and practical knowledge. the adoption of open technologies such specific needs of participants. Their
Its mission is to support Indonesian as OpenRAN, OpenWiFi, and Open involvement in TIP ON 2024 is part of a
individuals and organizations in Transport. This has spurred growth in the strategy to strengthen collaborations
improving their operations and telecommunications sector and fostered with various stakeholders and
profitability through high-quality healthy competition. Any technology contribute to the growth of the national
education and skill development requires driving force, and ecosystem telecommunications industry.
programs. Train4Best offers a wide development helps its growth—this is Train4Best is leveraging the
range of services, including training what has been achieved by TIP. momentum of this cutting-edge
and workshops, consulting, certification TIP ON 2024 also serves as an technology exhibition and global forum
programs, and global collaborations. opportunity for Train4Best to introduce to expand its network, engage with
TIP ON 2024 provides a platform continuous discussion forums they key stakeholders, and contribute to
for various parties to collaborate and offer alongside their training programs. the development of an inclusive and
capitalize on opportunities in the Train4Best is committed to providing sustainable technology ecosystem in the
technology sector. In this context, training solutions tailored to the Asia-Pacific region. (Agnes)
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