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s a key participant in the 2024 This partnership aims to enhance
Telecom Infra Project (TIP), telecommunications infrastructure
A EDOTCO, a leading digital in Indonesia, focusing on digital
connectivity infrastructure provider penetration in underserved (Non-3T)
in Asia, has earned a reputation for areas. One of EDOTCO’s key strategic
delivering world-class solutions and priorities is its vision to spearhead
services in the tower industry, including 5G network development. By 2023,
co-location, build-to-suit, transmission, the company had already deployed
and operations and maintenance. over 50,000 4G towers, primed for
With over 58,000 towers across 5G connectivity. In its home market,
nine countries - Indonesia, Malaysia, EDOTCO has been leading critical 5G
Bangladesh, the Philippines, Cambodia, projects since 2021.
Pakistan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and Laos As a frequent collaborator with TIP,
- EDOTCO has been a major player in EDOTCO sees the TIP ON 2024 event
advancing digital connectivity for the as an excellent opportunity to engage
past 12 years. with strategic sectors in Indonesia.
In Indonesia, EDOTCO’s commitment With stakeholders from government,
to strengthening connectivity academia, industry, and associations
infrastructure is demonstrated through coming together on one platform, AZIZEE AZIZ
its collaboration with Telkom University. EDOTCO believes that cross-sector President Director
In February 2024, Tel-U, EDOTCO, collaboration is crucial for accelerating
and TIP signed a Memorandum of technology adoption throughout the
Understanding (MoU). The MoU signed Asia-Pacific region.
by Telkom University’s Rector, Prof. Guided by the vision of “Shaping a
Adiwijaya, EDOTCO Group CEO, Adlan Collaborative Innovation Ecosystem,”
Ahmad Tajudin, and witnessed by EDOTCO remains committed to
Malaysia’s Minister of Communications, “championing the bridging of the digital
H.E. Fahmi Fadzil, and Dr. Ir. Ismail, divide.” The company is actively building
Director General of the Ministry of a robust network of partnerships to
Communication and Information deliver innovative, impactful digital
Technology of Republic of Indonesia. solutions that benefit society. (Arfi)
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